Founders – walk fast, think fast, act fast

What I learnt from Rodney Fitch –

Fitch & Co: a tale of charisma and confidence 


Rodney Fitch had a huge impact on my life, and the whole design industry. I joined Fitch at the end of 1986 as Director of Corporate Communications. Rodney believed in the power of communications as a strategic tool – to grow reputation, revenue and value. It did not occur to me that we were a small creative business. We were big – we had a growth agenda, we were important and we were on a mission to make sure that everyone shared our belief in the power of design.

To mark ten years since his death, Louisa Fitch posted a series of interviews with Rodney. These films reminded me of how much I owe him and how much the design industry owes him. I dug out my notes for a symposium hosted by Central St Martin to celebrate his life and influence. At the time, I, along with James Woudhuysen, Rune Gustafson and Chris Thompson, were invited by Dominic Stone to give our thoughts on Rodney and the professionalisation of the design business.  This is a summary of my own reflections.

One vision – with a shared purpose: Design is important. Rodney instilled in us all a view that design was a fundamental right, and that we all deserve the highest level of creativity in every walk of life. We also all believed that Fitch was important as a company offering a new blend of disciplines for clients around the world.

Many talents: In one of the film interviews, Rodney talks to the culture of the place. I had joined from Conran and it was a very different vibe. Looking back there was extraordinary talent at every level – with everyone very clear on their role and their contribution. And quite frankly, Fitch had more parties, more dancing, more chutzpah.

Vocal and visible: We were not bystanders – we were active participants. In the FT, on TV with Mark Harrison’s prescient Three Minute Culture, in business schools, with design management modules, and in design schools near and far. We published books, and spoke broadly. We were business partners and peers. Happy in our skin and on a mission. Always centre stage, and never in the wings. We drove our own agenda.

Confidence and belief: And, my goodness, we were self-confident for ourselves and for the company. We did not have (or allow) much self-doubt. Rodney created a world where we were allowed to move forward – not always in a straight line. In retrospect, we were given huge responsibility and expected to excel. There was a swagger, which was of the decade, but also grew from a culture of innovation and trust.

Spirit of Rodneycharisma and charm And this world was, of course, held together by Rodney himself, charismatic and charming. A showman, an impresario – with an expansive and generous spirit. I was captivated at my interview. Rodney made me feel expert and I wanted to prove him right. I was happy to be enlisted on our mission to demonstrate to the world that Fitch was important, and that design was a requirement for a civilised and cultured life.

Over the decades since, I have continued to work with Founders. Rodney was definitely an Evangelist – he thought design was a super power. And I agree.

Written by Dilys Maltby 

December 2024

Header video: James McKinnon